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So this is how it all began...

Hi, I'mĀ Monetta

Founder of Magnetic Mindset LLC

Meet Your Mindset Transformation Guide

Welcome to my world of transformative thinking and the power of manifestation! I'm deeply committed to helping you create the changes you need to live the life you've always dreamed of. With a background in life coaching, neural energetic wiring, EFT, and hypnosis, I'm here to guide you on a journey to unlock the potential within your subconscious mind.

My Journey into Manifestation and Transformation

My exploration of manifestation and the Law of Attraction began many years ago when I stumbled upon "The Secret." The idea that we attract positive and negative experiences into our lives resonated deeply with me. Little did I know that this concept would plant a seed, quietly waiting to bloom at the right moment.

Over a decade later, I found myself in a relationship that had reached an all-time low. Then, the realization struck me: "I am attracting this into my life; I made this happen." In a moment of clarity, I asked the universe for guidance on how I reached this point, believing that understanding the process would prevent me from repeating it. The universe, or as I like to say, God, always responds to those who seek answers.

My journey into the inner workings of manifestation began, leading me to uncover the profound impact of neurolinguistic programming (NLP). This newfound knowledge allowed me to manifest incredible changes in my life. To share this invaluable knowledge and support others in their transformative journeys, I pursued certifications as a Life Coach, Neural Energetic Wiring and Encoding Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, and Hypnosis Practitioner.

Sharing the Knowledge that Transformed My Life

The lessons I've learned in manifestation and NLP are universal and can be applied to every facet of your life - be it health, finances, love, or any other area you wish to improve. This knowledge radically transformed my life, and my mission is to make this transformation accessible to everyone.

Magnetic Mindset - Your Path to Abundance

I founded Magnetic Mindset as a platform to introduce manifestation and mindset work to those who are eager to learn. At Magnetic Mindset, we firmly believe that you deserve all the abundance life has to offer because it is your birthright. With my guidance and the transformative power of your mind, you can unlock the doors to a life filled with success, joy, and fulfillment.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and limitless potential? Let's create the life you've always envisioned together. Contact me today and start manifesting the life you desire and deserve.